EMIN Endocrinology has the Endocrinologist best rated in Girona, Andorra, Barcelona by its patients.
EMIN Endocrinologia has in its medical team the most recommended endocrinologist in Girona, Andorra, Barcelona.
EMIN Endocrinology has Endocrinology and Nutrition Consultation in Girona, Andorra, Barcelona, Online.
EMIN Endocrinology has within its medical team the best endocrin...
Who is the best endocrinologist? According to their patients, the best endocrinologists are part of the EMIN Endocrinology medical team.
EMIN Endocrinology integrative medicine...
EMIN Endocrinology is recognized as the best integrative endocrine team according to its patients...
EMIN Endocrinology is recognized as the best integrative endocrinology team in...
Dietitian-nutritionist, PNI expert (psychoneuroimmunology) and Autoimmune Protocol coach. Integrative, evolutionary and personalized health.
Intervention within the EMIN team:
- Hormonal, immune, digestive, cognitive and mental health, nutritional education, prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, biohacking, menopause, longevity.
- Autoimmune pathologies of the endocrine, neurological, dermatological, systemic system: Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, Graves' hyperthyroidism, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, vitiligo, lupus, type 1 diabetes, etc.
- Prevention of metabolic diseases: high blood sugar, insulin resistance, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, overweight, obesity.
- Personalized information on different eating styles: balanced diet, Autoimmune Protocol, Paleo, Keto (ketogenic), Mediterranean, FODMAPS, intermittent fasting.
- Healthy lifestyle habits: physical exercise, stress management, relaxation, self-esteem, sleep routines, circadian cycles, hormesis, social relationships, hobbies, contact with nature.

.Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Miguel de Cervantes European University.
Postgraduate in Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology, Regenera.
Certified coach in AIP (Autoimmune Protocol).
Languages: Catalan, Spanish and French.