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Image by Fuu J

Endocrinological program aimed at losing weight.

Obesity is an epidemic in our society, every day there is more incidence of weight gain, especially in relation to insulin resistance.


It is an endocrine-based problem that needs an integrative endocrinological assessment that includes the genetic reasons, the triggering causes, the current risk factors and those foreseeable in the near future, it is necessary to plan a realistic integrative multidisciplinary treatment in accordance with the situation of each person to achieve an endocrine diagnosis and tutoring with the support of a nutrition professional and a personal trainer.

Who is it aimed at?


This program is aimed at all those people who wish to lose weight within a specialized medical program that contemplates not only weight loss but also weight maintenance. Especially to those people with insulin resistance, who have used "ozempic" type treatments and who have currently gained weight after withdrawing the drug.

What is the purpose of the program?


The goal of the program is to lose weight by treating the cause that has caused the obesity. Too many times we see significant weight loss and subsequent recovery, if the underlying problem is addressed, maintenance of the lost weight is achieved. Most of the time the cause of obesity is insulin resistance, the ultimate goal is to normalize this situation.



The program is aimed at patients with:

  • Obesity with diabetes.

  • Obesity and overweight related to thyroid disorders.

  • Weight gain in patients who have tried diets without success.

  • Patients who present with obesity with fatigue and tiredness, indicating that there will probably be underlying nutritional alterations.

How long is the program?


The program lasts 4 months.

With firmness and fullness comes the understanding and appreciation of your most important asset, your health.

What does the Pack include?


In order to prepare for the first visit, the patient will receive a form to learn about his personal history, his known pathologies, the treatment he has been undergoing prior to the visit and previous nutritional treatments.


Clinical session analysis of the results of the medical questionnaire by the EMIN integrative team.


First endocrinological assessment of the patient, personalized online visit with Dra. Juncà where the comprehensive assessment of the patient will be carried out with a study of the endocrine characteristics of obesity and the corresponding evaluation of complementary tests that the patient already has.


Prescription and personalized request for clinical analysis.


Referral to a nutritionist to prepare the prescribed diet, constant contact between doctor and nutritionist, adjustment of the medical program to the specific nutritional guideline. Stratification and application of nutritional goals in accordance with the medical program and definition of the habit change plan.


Follow-up medical visit, to be carried out one month after the first visit: second endocrinological assessment of the patient. Evaluation of the weight loss process. Evaluation of the additional tests requested. Detailed prescription of specific treatment. Specific prescription of nutritional proposal. Physical activity prescription.


Follow-up nutritional visit, will take place one month after the first nutritional visit.


Final medical visit will take place between the third and fourth month. Final assessment of the patient. Evaluation of the results and planning of the weighing process.



Services offered in the program: 

  • Three visits with an endocrinologist specialized in integrative endocrinology, they can be online visits or face-to-face visits in Andorra.


  • Two integrative nutritional visits, they can be online visits or face-to-face visits in Andorra.


  • Direct communication with medical team.


  • Constant clinical documentation on the medical platform: the patient will have his/her own space within the medical visit platform where all content will be edited and uploaded in compliance with the data protection law.


  • Private health manager, who will schedule the visits, will remind you weekly of the instructions to be carried out, refer to the endocrine doctor and the nutritionist the online consultations and doubts that may appear during the treatment period.

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